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New curriculum 2014: Secondary computing
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary computing curriculum for 2014.

Number and place value: Teaching for mastery booklet
Brought to you by Tes in partnership with experts at Mathematics Mastery and the White Rose Maths Hub, this PDF provides teachers with the progression of learning for the topic, broken down into digestible chapters.
It is an ideal starting point for primary teachers looking to brush up on their subject knowledge, or adopt the mastery approach to maths in their classroom.
Check out the Teaching for mastery site, which contains schemes of work accompanied by quality-assured classroom resources.
Download resources to match this topic in the planning and lesson resources pages of the new primary maths section.

New curriculum 2014: Primary physical education
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary PE curriculum for 2014.

New curriculum 2014: Secondary biology
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary biology curriculum for 2014.

New curriculum 2014: Secondary French
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary French curriculum for 2014.

Classroom rules
Tom Bennett, TES behaviour adviser, shares his top 10 classroom rules and explains why a social contract with your students provides mutual benefits to you and your class. This video is part of a series of behaviour management strategies. Find more here:

Times tables and skip counting: Teaching for mastery booklet
Brought to you by Tes in partnership with experts at Mathematics Mastery and the White Rose Maths Hub, this PDF provides teachers with the progression of learning for the topic, broken down into digestible chapters.
It is an ideal starting point for primary teachers looking to brush up on their subject knowledge, or adopt the mastery approach to maths in their classroom.
Check out the Teaching for mastery site, which contains schemes of work accompanied by quality-assured classroom resources.
Download resources to match this topic in the planning and lesson resources pages of the new primary maths section.

Money: Teaching for mastery booklet
Brought to you by Tes in partnership with experts at Mathematics Mastery and the White Rose Maths Hub, this PDF provides teachers with the progression of learning for the topic, broken down into digestible chapters.
It is an ideal starting point for primary teachers looking to brush up on their subject knowledge, or adopt the mastery approach to maths in their classroom.
Check out the Teaching for mastery site, which contains schemes of work accompanied by quality-assured classroom resources.
Download resources to match this topic in the planning and lesson resources pages of the new primary maths section.

Percentages: Teaching for mastery booklet
Brought to you by Tes in partnership with experts at Mathematics Mastery and the White Rose Maths Hub, this PDF provides teachers with the progression of learning for the topic, broken down into digestible chapters.
It is an ideal starting point for primary teachers looking to brush up on their subject knowledge, or adopt the mastery approach to maths in their classroom.
Check out the Teaching for mastery site, which contains schemes of work accompanied by quality-assured classroom resources.
Download resources to match this topic in the planning and lesson resources pages of the new primary maths section.

New curriculum 2014: Primary music
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary music curriculum for 2014.

New curriculum 2014: Primary computing
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the primary computing curriculum for 2014.

New curriculum 2014: Secondary physical education
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary PE curriculum for 2014.

Total carnage
Tom Bennett, TES behaviour adviser, tackles one of teachers’ biggest fears: what to do in the rare event that your entire class refuses to behave. This video is part of a series on behaviour management strategies. Find more here:

Algebra: Teaching for mastery booklet
Brought to you by Tes in partnership with experts at Mathematics Mastery and the White Rose Maths Hub, this PDF provides teachers with the progression of learning for the topic, broken down into digestible chapters.
It is an ideal starting point for primary teachers looking to brush up on their subject knowledge, or adopt the mastery approach to maths in their classroom.
Check out the Teaching for mastery site, which contains schemes of work accompanied by quality-assured classroom resources.
Download resources to match this topic in the planning and lesson resources pages of the new primary maths section.

Low-level disruption
Tom Bennett, TES behaviour adviser, demonstrates how a clear, consistent behaviour policy can stop chatting, humming and other low-level disruptions derailing your lesson. This video is part of a series on behaviour management strategies. Find more here:

Meeting your class
Tom Bennett, TES behaviour adviser, provides advice on what to do on meeting your new class; a vital moment that will set the tone for the rest of your school year.
This video is one of a series of behaviour management strategies. Find more here:

Controlling a class
Tom Bennett, TES behaviour adviser, outlines how any teacher can control a class effectively. This video is part of a series of behaviour management strategies. Find more here:

New curriculum 2014: Secondary maths
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary maths curriculum for 2014.

New curriculum: Secondary design and technology
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary design and technology curriculum for 2014.

New curriculum 2014: Secondary art
Prepare for the new academic year with this document full of resources, activities and lesson plans aligned to each objective of the secondary art curriculum for 2014.